A Future Interactive Experience

We are a group of laser industry professionals taking the first steps to
curate laser history and technology with a goal of
educating and inspiring the next generation of innovators and future leaders.

The Laser Museum's Vision for Inspiring the Next Generation of Industry Leaders


Educate the public about the incredible influence that Lasers and Photonics have had in our everyday lives with inspiring exhibits and courses


Engage people of all ages and backgrounds with Lasers and Photonics, including a focus on STEM and workforce development


Explore the rich history and legacy of great minds that lead to the creation and success of lasers, and the evolution of Lasers in everyday life

Creating a Museum Dedicated to our Passion

The Laser Museum’s Board of Directors each work across many sectors of the Lasers and Photonics industry, with lifetimes of experience between them.

Through interactive exhibits and educational opportunities, we are starting a movement, inspiring people to engage and contribute to the world of Lasers and Photonics.

The Laser Museum is a very exciting ‘edutainment’ opportunity that will inspire future generations to pursue and contribute to the pervasive fields of photonics and lasers.“

—Hank Gauthier, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Coherent, Inc. & Former IPG Board of Directors Member

Potential Exhibits

At the Laser Museum, we plan to show our visitors and students the most interesting and educational exhibits on the fascinating subject of lasers. While we are currently in the preliminary stage of compiling history, anecdotes, and information from all areas of the Lasers and Photonics industries, we plan to feature content and courses highlighting the following subjects and beyond.